Multistat® Software For The 1455 And 1470

다중 실험을 위해 최대 32개의 독립적인 FRA/pstat 채널이 있는 Solartron 1455 다중 채널 FRA 및 1470E의 작동을 위해 설계된 소프트웨어로 Data Explorer 압축 실험 파일 관리 시스템을 포함합니다. 이더넷 또는 GPIB 통신을 사용하며 데이터 분석 및 프레젠테이션을 위해 ZView 및 CorrView를 모두 포함합니다.

MultiStat®은 Solartron 1455 FRA 및 1470E potentiostat 시스템의 잠재력을 발휘하도록 설계된 강력한 새 소프트웨어 패키지입니다.  Data Explorer™ 파일 관리자, 단일 문서 인터페이스(SDI) 형식, 입증된 유연한 실험 편집기를 포함한 인상적인 기능을 갖춘 MultiStat®은 다중 채널/다중 시료 작동을 위한 전기화학 소프트웨어의 새로운 표준을 정의합니다.

ZView™ 및 CorrView™는 데이터 분석 및 프레젠테이션을 위해 MultiStat에 포함되어 있습니다.  MultiStat 소프트웨어 인터페이스는 여러 독립 FRA(potentiostat/galvanostat 조합)를 동시에 사용하도록 특별히 설계되었습니다. Win7/Win8/Win10(32비트 및 64비트)과 호환됩니다. 

MultiStat Hardware Support

While designed for the Solartron 1455 and 1470, MultiStat will also support other instruments as listed below:

  • Controls up to four 1470/1480/1470E Multichannel Potentiostat/Galvanostat instruments (up to 32 total channels), each of which may be used in one of the following combinations:
    • 1470E operated in ethernet mode with no FRAs.
    • 1470E operated in ethernet mode with a rack of eight 1455 FRA analyzers; one for each channel.
    • 1470/1480 or 1470E (in GPIB mode) with no FRAs.
    • 1470/1480 or 1470E (in GPIB mode) with a single shared 1260/1255/1255B/1250/1250B/1252/1253 FRA unit. The FRA is shared among the 1470/1480/1470E channels in this case.
  • 1290 Power Booster (50 V/25 A)
  • Aux Voltage inputs (for DC or impedance measurements)
  • Aux Temperature inputs
  • Dual Battery/Electrochemistry cable polarity conventions

MultiStat Features

  • Single Document Interface (SDI) allows each experiment project to have its own independent window (similar to how MS Word handles multiple documents).
  • “Open Recent Projects List” function allows quick access to previous projects.
  • Flexible Experiment Editor for rapid design of complex measurement sequences which also includes “Cut & Paste” editing and multiple levels of repeat loops.
  • Fast and flexible channel configuration selections:
  • Which channels to measure
  • Auxiliary channel assignment
  • Sample area/weight
  • Sample density/equivalent weight
  • Sample name (individualized ID for each sample measured)
  • Reference electrode type
  • Polarity conventions

Data File Features

  • Automatic or customizable data file naming allows flexible yet consistent data file names.
  • The file manager, Data Explorer, with ZIP-like file compression of ASCII text data files, greatly reduces the number and size of data files while retaining full user access to the raw data.
  • All data sets are compressed into a single data file which can be opened by a host of applications
  • Instantly switch between multiple graph tabs.
  • Each tab can be configured to display data in a user customized format, for example, a first tab as live data of E and I vs. Time, a second tab as I vs. E, and a third tab to display E vs. log(I), etc.


Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
Installers can be used to perform a Full Installation or to Update Existing Software
Download a file by clicking on the file name below
Run an installer by double-clicking on it in Windows Explorer
Whenever possible, use the default directory names suggested by the installer

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