740 Membrane Test System

740 MTS는 새로운 이오노머 및 멤브레인  개발에 이상적입니다. 

온도,  RH 및 압력의 함수로 멤브레인을 포함하는 챔버를 빠르게 제어해 멤브레인의 인플레인 또는 Through plane  저항 및 전도도를 빠르고 정확하게 측정합니다.

740 MTS는 멤브레인에 촉매 작용을 하고 이오노머 성능을 평가하기 위해 연료 전지를 조립하는 시간 소모적인 접근 방식을 제거합니다.

- 옵션 선택에 따라 인플레인 또는 Through plane 헤드를 선택할 수 있습니다.

- MTS 소프트웨어에서 자동으로 제어되는 N4L 임피던스 분석기를 사용하면 AC 방식으로 인플레인 및 Through plane 저항을 측정할 수 있습니다. 각 방식은 그에 맞는 헤드를 사용해야 합니다.

- 솔라트론 1260 임피던스 분석기와 ZPlot 소프트웨어를 사용해 AC 방식의 Through plane 측정이 가능하고. 솔라트론 1287 Potentiostat과 CorrWare 소프트웨어를 사용해 DC 방식으로 Inplane 측정이 가능합니다. 각 방식은 그에 맞는 헤드를 사용해야 합니다. 


  • Custom MTS4 Software for complete measurement process control and data acquisition
  • CorrWare®, ZPlot® , MultiStat®, ZPlot·Lab™ & ZView® software for measurement and analysis of sample impedance
  • Wet and dry gas mixing for accurate and precise RH control and rapid RH cycling
  • Test chamber backpressure control, condenser and collection tank for high-temperature operation
  • In-situ sample temperature and dew point measurement for real-time RH monitoring
  • Uses bare (non-catalyzed) membranes
  • Small sample size 6 mm x 30 mm
  • Spring -loaded sample compression—easy, repeatable sample loading up to 400 PSI (2.76 MPa)
  • Control and monitoring of multiple process temperatures
  • Rapid, easy cell assembly with accurate and repeatable sample compression
  • Cell lock-feature for safe operation at elevated temperature, pressure and H2 gas
  • Automatic shutdown and N2 purge on alarm condition
  • Detailed cell assembly instructions and data analysis procedure
  • Native USB interface to PC for easy set-up
  • Safety features include alarm conditions and automatic hardware shutdown for safe, reliable operation.

Products                                                            Description

BT-710 Cell HeadCell head for in-plane membrane conductivity measurements with the 740 MTS and a benchtop potentiostat

Specification:                                                   Details

Gas and Humidification System:
Humidifier:316 SS material, designed for 100% gas saturation, auto water fill
Mass Flow Control:Two; Wet and Dry, 0 - 500 sccm each (allows variable wet gas % and RH control)
Sample Gas Selector:Selects N2 or H2/other
Gas Pressure Switches:Two; N2 and H2/other
Gas Dewpoint Meter:One, capacitance-type sensor in sample chamber
Measurable Dewpoint:0 to 100 °C
Set and Report Accuracy:+0.25% of span, +1 least significant digit
Set and Report Resolution:0.1 0 C
Sensor Type:Thermocouples, Type T
Temperature (max)180 °C (chamber, sample), 120 °C (humidifier), 130 °C (gas transfer line)
Sample Chamber:
Open/Close Mechanism:Threaded, screw-in cell head with integrated electrodes and locking-pin
Electrode Clamp Mechanism:Mechanical, spring-loaded, integrated with cell head
Electrodes:Platinum, proprietary four-terminal design (U.S. Patent No. 7,652,479)
Temperature Range:Ambient to 180 °C
Pressure Range:Ambient to 30 PSIG (207 kPa)
Post-Chamber Gas Flow Path:Heat exchanger, condensate collection tank, precision manual back pressure regulator, vent port
Electrochemical Interface and Impedance Measurement:User-supplied Impedance Analyzer (Solartron Analytical 1260 FRA or Newtons4th PSM 1735 + IAI Interface recommended)

MTS4 software works with CorrWare®, ZPlot®, MuItiStat™ and ZPlot-Lab™ and direct control of Newtons4th FRA
Physical and Environment:
Operating Temperature:15 - 35 0C
Power Source:100 - 120 VAC; 50/60 Hz
Size, cm (in.):46 H x 28 W x 48 D (18 x 11 x 19); excluding installed cell head
Software inputs for each experiment:Chamber, humidifier and gas transfer line temperature set point; Pre-treatment (equilibration) time; Total gas flow rate, Wet gas %, Gas type (H2other or N2), and Back pressure (manually set)
Number of steps per experiment:Up to 100
Live Data Display:Sample temperature and dewpoint, RH value (calculated from dewpoint and sample temperature), Wet and dry gas mass flow rates, Measured impedance for a single frequency from ZPIot®, remaining step time
Data File Format:Tab delimited ASCII file. Contains time, total flow, wet and dry flow, % wet, temperatures

(dewpoint, sample, chamber, humidifier, gas transfer line), RH, pressure, gas type ZPIot® impedance data saved as standard *.z file compatible with ZView™.

CorrWare, ZPlot, MultiStat, ZPlot•Lab & ZView are trademarks of Scribner Associates, Inc. Nafion® is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.

Product Support Documents

  • The 740 MTS and membrane resistance measurement procedure enables differentiation of the in-plane and through-plane resistance and conductivity of anisotropic membranes such as W.L. Gore & Associates’ supported membranes. To learn more, download this presentation.
  • **Latest References: Download a list of the latest papers referencing the MTS 740.
  • *GORE and designs are trademarks of W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
  • Dr. Kevin Cooper has published a new article in the journal Macromolecules on the properties of Rigid-Rod Poly(phenylenesulfonic acid) PEMs with Cross-Linkable Biphenyl Groups for Fuel Cell Applications featuring resistance and conductivity data using Scribner’s 740 Membrane Test System (MTS). Macromolecules members can read it here.