WaveNow Series Cell Cables

WaveNow 시리즈에는 HD-15 셀 포트를 특징으로 하는 아래 Potentiostat  모델이 포함돼 있습니다.

  • WaveNow Wireless and WavePico Wireless Potentiostats
  • WaveNowXV USB Potentiostat
  • WaveNow 및 WaveNano Potentiostats

이  Potentiostat 시리즈에 사용할 수 있는 다양한 셀 케이블이 있습니다.

아래 표에서 셀 케이블을 주문하기 전에 케이블 설명을 주의 깊게 읽고 케이블이 potentiostat와 호환되는지 확인하십시오.

Standard Cell Cables

Shielded WaveNow Cell Cable
connects potentiostat to electrodes in the cell

cable assembly with outer shield; HD-15 male to five banana plugs with optional alligator clips
compatible with any WaveNow series potentiostat

Special Cell Cables

Compact Voltammetry Cell Cable
connects any WaveNow Series potentiostat to a Compact Voltammetry or Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemical Cell

for use with a reference electrode that is part of the screen-printed electrode (SPE)


Compact Voltammetry Cell Cable
with Reference Electrode Breakout
connects any WaveNow Series potentiostat to a Compact Voltammetry or Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemical Cell

for use with a separate reference electrode not located on the screen-printed electrode (SPE)