WaveDriver Series Cell Cables

Pine은 WaveDriver 시리즈 potentiostats 및 bipotentiostats를 위한 다양한 셀 케이블을 제공합니다. 사용 가능한 셀 케이블의 전체 목록은 아래 표를 참조하십시오.

아래 표에서 적절한 케이블을 선택해야 합니다.  Single working electrode Potentiostat용과 Dual working electrode가 있는 Bipotentiostat 용이 있습니다. 

Standard WaveDriver Cell Cables

WaveDriver Bipotentiostat Cell Cable
D-Shell connector to 7 banana plugs with optional alligator clips

for use with WaveDriver 20, 40 and 200 bipotentiostats


WaveDriver Potentiostat Cell Cable
D-Shell connector to 5 banana plugs with optional alligator clips

for use with WaveDriver 10 and 100 potentiostats

WaveDriver Mini-USB Style Cell Cables

WaveDriver Mini-USB Style Cell Cable
mini-USB plug contains connections for working, counter, and reference electrodes

typically used to connect a WaveDriver potentiostat to a Compact Voltammetry Cell


WaveDriver Mini-USB Style Cell Cable with Reference Pin Connector
mini-USB plug contains connections for working and counter electrodes; separate line fits pin connector on reference electrode

typically used to connect a WaveDriver potentiostat to a Honeycomb Spectroelectrochemistry Cell